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Image Configuration

The configuration file rugpi-bakery.toml contains a declaration for each image that can be built.

An image declaration has the following structure:

type Image = {
layer: string;
architecture: "amd64" | "arm64" | "armv7" | "armhf" | "arm";
target: "generic-grub-efi" | "rpi-tryboot" | "rpi-uboot";
size?: string;
layout?: ImageLayout;

Each image configuration has a mandatory layer property specifying the name of the layer containing the filesystems for the image, in particular, the root filesystem. For further details on layers, checkout the user guide's section on System Customization. In addition, the configuration must specify an architecture and a target and may specify a size and an image layout.


Rugpi supports the following CPU architectures.

ArchitectureDescriptionAlpineDebianRaspberry Pi OS
amd6464-bit x86x86_64amd64
arm6464-bit ARMv8aarch64arm64arm64
armv732-bit ARMv7armv7armhf
armhf32-bit ARMv6 (Hard-Float)armhfarmhf
arm32Tbit ARMv6armel

Note that different distributions have different and sometimes inconsistent names for different CPU families. For instance, what Debian calls armhf is called armv7 for Alpine Linux and not the same as armhf for Raspberry Pi OS.

When building images the architecture reported by uname -m may not match the actual CPU and architecture of the device the image is intended for. For instance, when building an armhf image based on Rasbperry Pi OS, the architecture reported by uname -m during the build process is armv7l, however, when running the image later on a non-ARMv7 board (e.g., Pi Zero or Pi 1), then the architecture will be armv6l. We recommend always using the Rugpi architecture instead of uname -m.


When building a system image with Rugpi, you need to specify a target that is appropriate for your device. Targets typically support a whole family of devices and are categorized into generic, specific, and unknown targets.

  • Generic targets are based on some standardized booting mechanism, such as UEFI or EBBR. Generic targets are suitable for any device that supports the respective booting mechanism.
  • Specific targets, on the other hand, are limited to a certain family of devices. They come with all necessary device-specific configurations resulting in a bootable image that works out-of-the-box.
  • Unknown targets are for devices that do not conform to a standardized booting mechanism and are not specifically supported by Rugpi. Using unknown targets allows building images for unsupported devices; however, these images usually require additional device-specific modifications to become bootable.

The target for an image is set by the target property in the image declaration.

For supported devices and the required targets, checkout the documentation on Supported Devices.

Currently, Rugpi supports the following targets:

  • generic-grub-efi: A generic target that uses Grub as the bootloader and produces an image bootable on any EFI-compatible system. This is the right target for commodity AMD64 and ARM64 hardware or VMs.
  • rpi-tryboot: Raspberry Pi-specific target that uses the tryboot feature of Raspberry Pi's firmware. This is the right target for the Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 family of devices. Note that for Raspberry Pi 4 a recent firmware is required.
  • rpi-uboot: Raspberry Pi-specific target that uses U-Boot. This is the right target for older Raspberry Pi models.

Note that specific and generic targets result in images with a bootloader, however, to actually boot the operating system additional configurations may be required. To this end, the following recipes can be used:

  • core/debian-grub-setup: For Debian with generic-grub-efi.
  • core/alpine-grub-setup: For Alpine with generic-grub-efi.
  • core/rpi-debian-setup: For Debian with rpi-tryboot.
  • core/rpi-alpine-setup: For Alpine with rpi-tryboot.
  • core/rpi-raspios-setup: For Raspberry Pi OS with rpi-tryboot or rpi-uboot.

Image Layout (Experimental)

You can also specify an image layout.


This is an experimental feature. We may make breaking changes in minor versions.

Usually, you do not need to worry about image layouts as Rugpi automatically selects a suitable layout based on the target. For advanced use cases or to adapt Rugpi to a device that is not officially supported, Rugpi also gives you the flexibility to configure how exactly the image should be built. Currently, this is limited to creating partitions with an optional filesystem based on some root directory.

Image Creation Process

The process of creating an image roughly works as follows:

  1. Compute a partition table based on the specified image layout.
  2. Create an image and partition it according to the computed table.
  3. Patch the boot configuration based on the target.
  4. Create the filesystems based on the specified root directories.

Supported partition tables:

Supported filesystems:

The image layout is specified within the layout section of the image configuration has the following structure:

type Layout = {
type: "gpt" | "mbr";
partitions: Partition[];

type Partition = {
type?: string;
size?: string;
filesystem?: "ext4" | "fat32";
root?: string;