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Robust Building Blocks for Linux-based Devices

Rugpi is an open-source platform empowering you to build innovative devices around customized Linux distributions.

Rugpi enables you to build commercial-grade, customized variants of popular Linux distributions for your devices. It boasts three core features designed to work seamlessly together: (1) A modern, flexible workflow to build customized system images, (2) robust over-the-air system updates with rollback support for the entire system, and (3) managed state that is preserved across reboots and updates.

Stability Guarantees

While Rugpi is a young and evolving project, we understand that device lifetimes typically span multiple years, if not decades. We are committed to maintain backwards-compatibility for updates. This ensures that devices using Rugpi can be updated in the future. If you're developing anything with Rugpi, please be aware that the building pipeline, CLI, and APIs may still change.

Supported Distributions

Rugpi supports building images based on Debian, Alpine Linux, and Raspberry Pi OS.

It can also be used with root filesystems generated by other tools, e.g., Yocto Project or Buildroot.

Feature Highlights

Reliability Focused

Rugpi's focus on reliability ensures uninterrupted operation and minimizes costly repairs in the field, making it the ideal platform for businesses developing Linux-based embedded devices.

Over-the-Air Updates

Streamline software updates for embedded devices with Rugpi's robust over-the-air update capability. Seamlessly deliver the latest features and enhancements while minimizing disruptions.

Managed State

Simplify embedded device development with Rugpi's managed state feature. Effortlessly implement factory reset functionality and safeguard against accidental state corrupting the system.