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The runtime of the Sidex backend is provided by the sidex crate. Behind the gen feature gate, this crate also provides procedural macros for generating Rust code from a bundle. This makes it particularly easy to use Sidex with Rust.

Type Mapping

Opaque type definitions can be annotated with the type attribute to specify their Rust counterpart:

#[rust(type = "<PATH>")]

Record, variant, and wrapper type definitions can be annotated with the derive attribute:


In addition, type definitions, fields, and variants can be annotated with any Rust attribute via the attr attribute:


For instance, the non_exhaustive attribute can be applied with:


On fields and variants with associated data, the wrap attribute can be used to wrap the Rust type of the field in another generic type:

#[rust(wrap = "<PATH>")]

Recursive Types and Boxes

Sidex allows defining recursive data types which requires boxing in Rust.

To this end, a shortcut for wrapping field or variant data in a box is available:

#[rust(box)] ⇒ #[rust(wrap = "::std::boxed::Box")]

In the future, this backend may use analysis techniques to break recursion automatically.

Reference-Counted Smart Pointers

Similar to boxing, there are shortcuts for wrapping field and variant types in Arc and Rc:

#[rust(arc)] ⇒ #[rust(wrap = "::std::sync::Arc")]
#[rust(rc)] ⇒ #[rust(wrap = "::std::rc::Rc")]


By default everything will be pub.

The following attributes can be used to modify visibility:


Interoperability with Serde

Serde is the de-facto standard for serialization and deserialization in Rust. Sidex is fully compatible with the Serde ecosystem. With the serde plugin of the Rust backend, code for the Serialize and Deserialize traits can be generated.

Note that there are a few differences to Serde's own derive macros:

  • Optional fields of record types are always skipped if they are None.
  • A tagged representation of variant types is only generated for human-readable formats. To this end, the JSON tagged attribute is used. By default, variant types are internally tagged instead of externally tagged.

When serializing with serde_json the representation is the standard JSON representation.

In particular, this means that out-of-the-box you can use any Serde supported interchange format with Sidex.

🚧 TODO: Explain how Sidex plays together with Serde.


# Derive `Clone` and `Debug` by default for all types
# without an explicit `derive` attribute.
derive = ["Clone", "Debug"]

"::sidex::builtins::Sequence" = "::std::vec::Vec"
"::sidex::builtins::Map" = "::std::hash_map::HashMap"
"::sidex::builtins::string" = "::std::string::String"
"::sidex::builtins::bytes" = "::std::vec::Vec<u8>"