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A mutation describes a semantically meaningful change to data of a certain type T. As such, it must preserve the invariants of type T. A mutation itself, that is, the description of a change, is a datum which has a type. For instance, creating a user may be described by a mutation of type CreateUser which can be defined in Sidex as:

record CreateUser {
name: string,
email: string,

Explicit mutation types have multiple advantages over “anything goes” ad-hoc modifications:

  • They limit the ways in which state can be manipulated.
  • They can be exchanged between different nodes in a distributed system.
  • They, in principle, allow for conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs).

Mutations should be deterministic, i.e., the same mutation applied to the same data should always result in the same change to the data. Hence, a mutation induces a pure partial function from T to T. It is partial in the sense that mutations may fail. Mutations must not have any side effects or return anything besides the updated data.

Mutable Types

Sidex allows types to be annotated with a #[mutable(with T)] attribute where T is a path to a data type which is the mutation type for the annotated type.

Here is an example:

#[mutable(with MutateUser)]
record User {
name: string,
email: string,

#[mutation(for User)]
variant MutateUser {
SetName: string,
SetEmail: string,

Creating mutation types an implementing them can be tedious and repetitive. Sidex helps you with that.

Settable and Mutable Fields

Whenever a field can be independently set without violating a type's invariants, i.e., is marked with #[settable], it can also be independently mutated. Note that the reverse is not necessarily true.

Two attributes:

  • #[settable] enables the independent setting of the field.
  • #[mutable] enables the independent mutation of the field.

where #[settable] implies #[mutable].

In case of variants, #[settable] and #[mutable] refer to the associated type.

Changing the variant means changing the entire value and is thus achieved by setting on the outer type.

#[mutation(for User)]
record SetName {
name: string

#[mutation(for User)]
record SetEmail {
email: Email

#[mutable(with UserMutation)]
record User {
name: string,
email: Email

#[mutation(for User with [SetName, SetEmail])]
derived UserMutation

Instead of defining these mutations manually, one may also write:

record User {
name: string,
email: Email

This will generate a mutation for setting the fields.

Mutations are reified, i.e., they have themselves a Sidex type.

generated UserMutation

record Xyz {
test: Mutation<User>
variant UserMutation {
SetName: string,
SetEmail: Email,


Differential Synchronization

Diff and patch algorithms must preserve invariants. Mutations are not used as part of the synchronization scheme but only applied locally on each node.

Operational Transform

Transform mutations which are based on an old state.

Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs)

Provide a means to totally order mutations, e.g., by tracking their dependencies using hashes and resolving ties by node IDs. Then, obtain the current state by applying the mutations to a default state in that order.