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Integration Testing

Embedded Linux systems are inherently complex, with numerous interconnected components working together. To ensure that all parts of a system work together seamlessly, Rugpi Bakery includes an integration testing framework designed to validate system images as a complete unit. This framework boots a system image in a virtual machine and then executes a test workflow on the system. By catching integration errors early, it reduces the need for costly and time-consuming testing on physical hardware.

Limitations: Currently, the integration testing framework is limited to the generic-grub-efi target.

Test Workflows

Test workflows are placed in the tests directory of your Rugpi Bakery project. Each workflow consists of a TOML file describing the tests to be conducted. To this end, the workflow file starts with a declaration of test systems:

disk-image = "<image-name>"
disk-size = "40G"
ssh = { private-key = "<path-to-private-key>" }

Each test system declaration must specify a disk-image, which is the image to use for the system. In addition, a disk-size can be specified determining the size of the disk. Note that Rugpi Bakery allocates an image per system that grows on-demand and stores only the changes made over the original system image. Hence, typically much less than disk-space additional space is required. Multiple systems can be specified in the same test workflow. Rugpi will then run the workflow for each system.

To execute commands on the system under test, Rugpi Bakery connects to the system running in the VM via SSH. To this end, a private key needs to specified. This private key must be placed in the project directory. It is recommended to generate a pair of keys exclusively for this purpose and inject the public key with an additional layer on-top of the actual system layer.1 To generate a suitable pair of SSH keys in the current working directory, run:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 40960 -f id_rsa

The declaration of test systems is followed by a specification of test steps.

Test Steps

Each test step performs a certain action. Currently, the following actions are supported:

  • wait: Wait for some amount of time.
  • run: Run a script via SSH in the VM.


The wait action takes a duration option specifying the time to wait in seconds. Here is an example for waiting 20 seconds:

action = "wait"
duration = 20


The run action takes a script option with a shell script to execute. For example:

action = "run"
script = """
echo "Hello from the VM."

Note that the script needs a shebang, e.g., #!/bin/bash, to execute.

In addition, the run action supports the following optional options:

  • may-disconnect: Sometimes, e.g., when rebooting the system with a script, the execution may fail because the SSH connection drops, however, this is expected and the test should not fail. In this case, you can set may-disconnect to true indicating that it is okay for the SSH connection to drop. Note that a non-zero exit code of the script will still fail the test.
  • may-fail: Allows the script to fail with a non-zero exit code without the test failing.
  • stdin-file: Path to a file which is provided as stdin to the script. Can be used to stream an update into the system.

Running Tests

Tests can be run with the test subcommand:

./run-bakery test

Configuration Reference

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  1. In the future, Rugpi Bakery may inject a key by itself prior to running the VM.